I am the editor of a digital archive of the ballad The Wandering Jew's Chronicle. I recently published an article on the ballad's textual descent. The Chronicle is a good teaching tool, and good to think with generally. The site includes an extensive commentary on the text, which I plan to extend.
Other digital ballad projects i've been involved in include EBBA and Bodleian Ballads Online.
Bodleian Ballads includes ImageMatch, an outstanding tool for tracing ballad woodcut illustrations made by Oxford's Visual Geometry Group in 2012, and now open-sourced. ImageBrowse is a further output of this collaboration. I continue to work on ballad and chapbook illustrations, particularly the Charnley-Dodd collection of woodblocks used in Newcastle for several generations.
I've published on modernist chapbooks and am interested in contemporary versions of the form. I am on the Bibliographical Society's working party on chapbooks, for whom I also oversee the Society's digital strategy.
My PhD was on the eighteenth-century Northampton and London-based printer William Dicey. I am a member of Council of Print Networks, for whom I am working on the future of the British Book Trade Index.
Copyright history, in the form of the Stationers' Register Online project which I co-direct unites my interests in book trade history and textual traditions.