Full CV available on request.


2021-          Senior Researcher in Digital Humanities, Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

2017 - 21    Digital Humanities Research Ambassador, Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

2018 - 19    Teaching Fellow in Digital Humanities, Department of Information Studies, University College London

2015 -         Freelance Digital Humanities consultant                    

2012 - 15    Departmental Lecturer, Faculty of English, University of Oxford

2011 - 12    Teaching Fellow, Faculty of English, University of Oxford; Project Manager, Bodleian Libraries, Oxford.  

2008 - 11   JPR Lyell Research Fellow in the History of the Early-Modern Printed Book, Merton College, Oxford

2006 - 8     Arnhold Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer, Department of English, University of California, Santa Barbara  

2000 - 5     Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Royal Holloway University of London 

2000 - 4     Teaching Assistant, Department of English, Queen Mary University of London. 

Digital Humanities projects

2020    - Chapbooks Printed in Scotland - https://data.nls.uk/projects/the-national-librarians-research-fellowship-in-digital-scholarship

2020    - Robert and James Adam’s Grand Tour Letters – www.adamgrandtour.online

2019    - Stationers’ Register Online Phase Two – http://www.stationersregister.online

2015    - The Wandering Jew’s Chronicle archive - http://wjc.bodleian.ox.ac.uk

2013    - Stationers’ Register Online Phase One - http://digital.humanities.ox.ac.uk/ProjectProfile/Project_page.aspx?pid=307

2012    - Bodleian Ballads Online – ballads.bodleian.ox.ac.uk

2011    - ImageMatch - http://balladsblog.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/blog/570

2006-8 - English Broadside Ballad Archive - http://ebba.english.ucsb.edu


 2021 Abhishek Dutta, Giles Bergel, and Andrew Zisserman, ‘Visual Analysis of Chapbooks Printed in Scotland’, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 September, ACM, New York, NY, USA, doi.org/10.1145/3476887.3476893

  Giles Bergel, Alexandra Franklin and Stephen Harris, ‘Rediscovering copper plates in the  Bodleian Libraries’, in Printing Things: Blocks, Plates and other Printing Surfaces, 1400-1900,     (Oxford University Press Proceedings of the British Academy, accepted for publication) 

 2020  ‘From script to print and back again: the dynamics of the writing-master and engraver relationship’, in Caroline Archer and Malcolm Dick (eds.), The beauty of letters: script, type and communication in the eighteenth century (Liverpool University Press)

Giles Bergel, Pip Willcox, Guyda Armstrong, James Baker, Arianna Ciula, Nicholas Cole, David De Roure, Julianne Nyhan, Mia Ridge, Oscar Seip, Claire Taylor, Pip Thornton,  Elizabeth Williamson and Jane Winters, Sustaining Digital Humanities in the UK: a report for the Software Susainability Institutedoi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4046267      

2017  ‘The ballad trade’, in Literary Print Culture: The Stationers’ Company Archive 1550-2007, (Adam Matthew Digital)

2016  Giles Bergel, C.J. Howe, H.F. Windram, ‘Lines of succession in an English ballad tradition: the publishing history and textual descent of The Wandering Jew’s Chronicle Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 31:3 (201),(http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/llc/fqv003)

2015 Joon Son Chung, Relja Arandjelovic, Giles Bergel, Alexandra Franklin and Andrew Zisserman, ‘Re-presentations of Art Collections’, Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision VISART 2014 conference (http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/publications/2014/Chung14/chung14.pdf )

2013 Giles Bergel, Alexandra Franklin, Michael Heaney, Relja Arandjelovic, Andrew Zisserman and Donata Funke, 'Content-based image recognition on printed broadside ballads: The Bodleian Libraries' ImageMatch Tool', Proceedings of the IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 2013 (http://library.ifla.org/id/eprint/209

2012  ‘The Chicago Nineties: The Chap-Book 1894-98’, Chapter 6 of The 

         Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 

2006   ‘William Dicey and the Networks and Places of Print Culture’, in John Hinks and Catherine Armstrong (eds.), Worlds of Print: Diversity in the Book Trade, (London: British Library/Oak Knoll Press). 

 Grants, awards and fellowships

 2020  National Librarian of Scotland’s Fellowship in Digital Scholarship

2019  Paul Mellon Centre Digital Project Grant

2019  University of Oxford Award for Excellence, Reward and Recognition Scheme 

2016 John Rylands Research Institute Fellowship, University of Manchester

         Bibliographical Society of America Katherine L. Pantzer Fellowship

2015 University of Oxford Award for Excellence, Reward and Recognition Scheme

2014 University of Oxford John Fell Fund grant

2014 Moore Institute visiting research fellowship, National University of Ireland, Galway

2012 University of Oxford Lyell Fund research grant: ‘Stationers Register Online’ 

2011 JISC Major Research Funding (eContent Programme 2011-13)

         University of Oxford Lyell Fund award

2010 British Academy Small Grant

         University of Oxford John Fell Fund grant

2008 Newberry Library Research Fellowship 

2006 University of Victoria Digital Humanities Summer Institute Fellowship 

         Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing conference fellowship 

2005 Donald and Mary Hyde Fellowship, Houghton Library, Harvard College

        Bibliographical Society Minor Grant 

2004 British Book Trade History Conference Postgraduate Fellowship.

Professional service

2021- Member of Council, AI4LAM

2019-21 Director of Electronic Resources, Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing 

2013-17 Member of Council, The Bibliographical Society (2017-present co-opted to its Publications sub-committee)

2011- Member of Council, Print Networks.


 2004  Ph.D English Literature, ‘William Dicey and Eighteenth-Century Print Culture’, Queen Mary, University of London

1995  M.A. English Literature, ‘Writing and Society, 1700 – 1820’, Queen Mary, University   of London 

1994  B.A.(hons.) English Literature, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (2:1).